Wednesday 15 November 2017

Religious Education (Home Work 15/11/17)

Religious Education

Instruction: Circle  the letter beside the correct answer.

1.      The Christian’s holy book is the __________.
a)      Cross                     b) Hymn Book                        c) Bible                        d) Dictionary

2.      Jesus had twelve close followers known as His _______.
a)      Brothers                b) Sisters                                 c) Disciples                  d) Disciplines

3.      The people who practice Judaism are known as ______. 
a)      Christians              b) Muslims                              c) Jews                        d) Hindus

4.      Which set of people worship in a Synagogue?
a)      Jews                      b) Christians                            c) Atheists                   d) Muslims

5.      Religion is ____________.
a)      the belief in a Supreme Being
b)      the kind of church in which we worship
c)      the sabbath day
d)      a public worship strategy

6.      What is the name of the Muslim’s place of worship?
a)      Church                  b) Synagogue                          c) Temple                    d) Mosque

7-10. Draw the symbols for the following religions.

Religions                     Symbols





Friday 10 November 2017

Vocabulary (10/11/17

Define the following words.

1) Clarity
2) Menace
3) Trauma
4) Civilize
5) Clamour
6) Confeession
7) Devour
8) Edifice
9) Nickname
10) Nuisance
11) Regain
12) Rowdy
14) Snore
15) Underlying

**Use at least five (5) words from the list above to make sentences.

Communication Task (November 10, 2017)

Write a story about one of the following;

A day at the beach


A day at school